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so sleep alone tonight
She wants to be happy.
Don't judge me.
I'm touchy, so be nice.
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![]() This post is specially for Jelita Nalyssa. We went to the Spore flyer, their Dad's treat. It was a fun day out with her. haha! Gonna celebrate Nalyssa's Birthday sooon!(: I just BIMBO-ED Baby's sis. HAHA(x
& could you be that prince?
Got these info from my dear Krista.Sorry if I ripped the whole lot from you Kris. Its too interestingly true. hehe. Every girl dreams that one day she will find a guy that does these things for her. even the smallest action can have the BIGGEST impact in one's life. • give her one of your t-shirts to sleep in. • leave her cute text notes. • kiss her in front of your friends. • tell her she looks beautiful. • look into her eyes when you talk to her. • let her mess with your hair. • touch her hair. • just walk around with her. • FORGIVE her for her MISTAKES. • look at her like she's the only girl you see. • tickle her even when she says stop. • hold her hand when you're around your friends. • be the one to take her hand, don't make her reach for you • be the one to call her, don't make her always call you • when she starts swearing at you, tell her you love her. • let her fall asleep in your arms. • get her mad, then kiss her. • tease her and let her tease you back. • stay up all night with her when she's sick. • watch her favorite movie with her. • kiss her forehead. • give her the world. • write her letters. • let her wear your clothes. • when she's sad, hang out with her. • let her know she's important. • let her take all the photos she wants of you. • kiss her in the pouring rain. • when you fall in love with her, tell her. • and when you tell her, love her like you've never loved someone before. So to guys out there. please dont be a pain. If you're really sincere of your feelings towards her then its time for you to do something & prove it to your significant others. SHUT UPPP!
We dont really have arguements or fights. But when we do, it hurts a whole lot.Today, I thought of something new; What if when I get married, the man that has been so sweet & caring towards me evolved into this monster who beats me up & scolds me each & every day? What if he is a completely different person in a bad way after we're married? That got me frightened of marriage. School sucked. Apparently, today is a fcuked up day for everyone except for Jiahui&Shiyun. Those 2 always lead the happiest life. Esp Jiahui! So jealous lor...! hmph. I should have just shut my mouth. I am so mad at myself!! Seriously. Cuz of me, I hurt my Kelly): From now on, I wont laugh at anything anymore. Or at least not laugh at EVERYTHING. fcuk it. & he was being a pain just now. Bella's guy was also being a pain too. What an attitude. I guess today is the day when every guy is being such a pain in the ass. UGH. Kelly obviously wasnt feeling any better. Chloe received bad news from home. Goshh...I really hope that 2mr is a much better day. Sighhs. Projects are starting to creep into our lives. DREADING. help me someone? Friends forever.
Currently stuck to Kyle XY. Its damn addictive can?I have yet completed all of my asses. Darn it! UGH. I shld really stop procrascinating[however you spell it]. I NEED TO BE DILIGENT. 9 days till Os are over. Well, not officially since Baby still has 2 more papers to go. But wth, I CANT WAITTT! School 2mr. Gna have damn make up lessons which we missed today. UGH. Dreading as always. Can school be much more happening for me pls? Seriously. We gta go out much more often my friends! Im getting bored out of my wits now. Its always go skool, sit thru lecture, tutorials, have lunch in the freakin same locations, head home after skool. Where's the fun in it? Ugh. Shit, I should stop blabbering now. Ohoh! && KevJumba is sooo addictive tooo! haha! thx Izie for introducing it to me(x He's a cute Asian guy making these hilarious vids on youtube. Haha! You gotta love him. I have no idea on what to blog abt. So I'll reply to what Izie wrote on her recent post. Her sis's pillow gave her the idea. WOOHOO~ Inspiration yo! Friends Forever; Well, to me there is no such thing as 'forever' but I would like believe it. At least, hope for it to exist in this world. To me, girlfriends & boyfriends come & go in your life but friends stay for as long as it takes. If I do lose any of my friends, esp the ones whom I am close with, I'll be suffering. I'll beat myself up if I ever did something wrong to make me lose them. Sometimes, we tend to say 'I love you(s)', 'Friends Forever', 'Best Friends Forever(BFF)' . Some mean what they say, some say those words cuz it sounds cool or whatever. All-in-all, each of us do hope that our friendships with the people we're close with lasts for as long as we're living. So we all just have to take care of one another & bury all the hachets that we have argued or fought about before. & most likely, it will last forever. Did I even make sense? Camwhore session.
![]() dump,fcuk,marry.
Changed skin again. hehe. I had the urge to, so yeah. The skin's not really a WOAH to me, but its okay la. *shruggs*So, yesterday at ard 2 plus, me & Baby went out after he studied. I was slacking as you know. haha! I still havnt completed my tutorials. Shittt. Luckily 2mr's a holiday. Phew! So we were like in a tight budget & all. Was deciding on whether to watch movie or not, & if we dont we dont know what to do. We chatted for abit & like OMG, there's mulcus on his sweater. Ewww! Fcukin disgusting can? We have no fcukin idea how it got there. Shit. Thank God we were just below my block then. So went back up & he washed it out. Dried it near my window. After that, we finally decided to watch movie. So bussed to Cathy & went for Burn After Reading. It was quite funny but in a non-logical way. haha! After movie, bussed back to my place. The day got really sucky for us both. Had a tiff but it was all good in the end. So went home to take his stuffs. Mom was home & she was talking to Jo, telling him about her work & all. She damn cute la can? hehe. I love her(': After mahgrib, we went out again for dinner date with Izie,Beel,Fiq&Ern. Was a lill awkward at first. I dont really know what to do. Fiq seemed so cold la! He damn was so mean. Dont know what happened to him. Oh well. Izie came finally, & we settled down in the restaurant. Everything was normal again. A lill awkward but it was much better. haha. Fiq was bullying Baby thruout. It was funny la but I did defended him...somehow. haha! While waiting for the food, Beel came up with this game called 'Dump,fcuk,marry'. It was fun la! So juicy. haha! The food was gooood! It was worth it, seriously. It was GREAT to see them again(: So at 9.30 sharp, went home. Baby couldnt send me home or he'll be screwed by his mom. haha! Sounds wrong. All in all, yesterday was a pretty good day(: Oh ya, & Izie didnt get to smack meee! hahaha! She hugged me instead. She loves me too much!(x Reading their blogs made me sad & worried. My girlfriends are having emotional downfall, & Im not there to help them through. Hanie, you're not alone. Im still here for you, darl. Bella, thoughout our poly life, you are the one who stuck by me. Please dont be sad anymore. I'll give you a VERY tight hug on Tuesday ok?(: & I was like 'OhAmGee'. IM BACKKKK.
Its been 4 days since ive blogged. haha. Lazy ar.okok so, school's okay la. Bella's sick. I miss her so much can? Kinda quiet w/o her around. I think its my fault that she feels that way. Shouldnt have triggered that question. Shit. Looking forward to see her on Tuesday(: Kelly, Bella, Jiahui didnt come yest. Chloe & I were all alone..Sad seh. After school I accompanied her to go shop for her wedd-dinner dress. She damn picky u noe. Haha! Stubborn somemore! && she forced me to eat...! I was still full from the rice I ate in school. She wont shut up. So I just bought the ljs cheesy fries&chips to make her happy. So full can? && my mom bought nasi ayam goreng when I came back. She asked me to finished it cuz she's full. Like UGH?! Damn fat now. Sighhs. No choice la. Just gta be thankful for the food that I get to eat. Yupyup! Thanks for the treat Chloe!(: So today, gonna go out with Baby. & then have dinner with Izie, Wei Ern & we are trying to get more ppl to come. Cant wait to see themmmm!! SO HAPPPYYYY!(: Anw, Im laying on Baby's lap now. Im forcing him to study while Im slacking. MUAHAHAHA(x He needs to study. Os are alr here. NO MORE SLACKING YOUR ASS OFF. MUGG HARD OR I'LL KICK YOUR ASSSSSS! [he's reading this] Gonna go out after doing our prayers. Dont know what we're gonna do. All the nice movies are M18. Fcuktards. Im so mad cannn? Ugh. Maybe we'll be window-shopping. Singapore's getting boring...or maybe we just dont know any interesting places to go to. Oh well. Kelly, you better come to school on Tuesday! No more excuses of dont know what to wear ehhh! If not I buy you some new aunty-aunty clothes, then you noe! School Shmul.
Okay so, back to school.It was okay..had an oral presentation for my public speaking class. We were spposed to present to the class about our lives. Sean's was a touching one. His was about how important his family is towards him. Kelly's was an emotional one. Hers is about her relations with her parents. She thought that her parents neglected her since she's the middle child. & how her father made her realized how much she means to him. Kelly cried during her presentation. So sad. Wanted to give her a hug but didnt know why I hesitated. haha! Im glad she realized the importance of her existance to her family(: When it came to my turn, I was really a nervous-wreck. & when Im nervous, I tend to say things out of randomness. I didnt really act bimbotic like what Baby told me to do but hey, I was bubbly. hehe(x It did when pretty good, I guess. Thank God it's over. Today was the first paper for the O-levels. & Baby told me that he blanked out at the start of his Chem paper. My heart sank to the pit of my stomach almos immediately. I feel really scared for him. His sitting for it & Im the one who feels stressed up. Sheeshhh. I just want him to do well... Anyways, met up with him after school. Had dinner at Macs. Freakin fattening food were consumed; the result of shitting 6 times in a day. Was distracted during our short meet-up. He said that I didnt show much love to him today. Sighhs..Im sorry. I guess, there's alot in mind right now. But he did make me laugh. Glad to see him despite the awful feelings & instances. I feel like removing my brain out, right now. SPOILT.
For 2 consequitive days, I've been acting like a spoiled brat. I seriously dont have any mood to do anything. Plus I have alot of asses to complete, well, I feel that there are alot to be completed. Ugh. I havnt been co-operating or treated my mom nicely. Ass me. I think it should be my mood swings. Damn menses. Went to my Woodlands aunt's yest. Was out from 10am to 9.30pm. Walau. I was feeling sooo frustrated, annoyed & sleepy. Imagine me showing tantrum to my mom. Ishh. Un-imaginable. Today, had to go to my cousin's at BP since it was her daughter's first birthday party. I didnt want to go cuz I was having this stupid food poisoning but my mom forced me to. UGHHH. Dreading school 2mr. I SERIOUSLY dont have the mood to go anywhere or do anything. Stop being spoilt, sofff!! SNAP OUT OF IT. Im feeling better emotionally now. There's still alot of things to do for me to change for the better. & I've just realized that it's never too late to change. Baby, you've made me fell in & out of love with you. You caused it & now, you're mending things back to the way things were before. I dont know how to feel actually. But I'm back to being sane now. I dont push the blame all to you. I played a part too. Whatever it is, let us bury our past & make it as a learning point for us both. Sincerity floods through your words & actions lately. & I believe you, Baby. Let's not go to the wrong path anymore. You're the one who makes me laugh so hard till my tummy hurts, You're the one who points out a cauncasian for me to look at & then gets jealous after, You're the one who doesnt freak out when Im acting all retarded & stupid, You're the one who wipes my tears away, You're the one who screw things up for me, You're the one who apologises profusely & mend it all back together, You're the one who always trying to give your bestest to make me happy, You're the one who gets me mad, You're the one who acts like an ass, You're the one whom I love regardless... I love you, Baby(': Anul disagreements.
Fcuk it.I've been shiting like 5 times from 5.45AM today. I NEED to stuff a stopper in my ass. My anus freaking hurts, dammit! & it's not funny! Damn you, food poisoning! Okay, gta get back to my assignments. Fixed assets.
![]() ![]() My own state of mind.
Here is a question,'Who are you exactly?' Some people live their life for the sake of living. Some live to make money, some to achieve their dreams. But have you ever dropped everything that you are doing for a second & ask yourself this question before? Do you even give a damn about yourself? Well, you should consider your own feelings & opinions eventhough you put others before yourself. Sometimes you tend to take care of others' feelings so much that you end up hurting yourself. You are as equally important as they are. & you should know who you are deep down inside.What makes you, you. Reflect on yourself, be happy of who you are. If you arent, then you should change for the better. As for me, the question that I should be asking myself is, 'What am I becoming into exactly?' As time passed, Im changing into a totally different person deep down inside. I didnt really think that in a MILLION YEARS I would become into this devil. What has changed me? Was it someone else's fault that Im becoming like this? But I cant blame it on others...I had a choice. & I chose the wrong one. My dearest friends, dont bother asking what's wrong with me. It's too personal, Im afraid. FYI, IM NOT PREGNANT [thx eh, bella!]. Im not proud being me right now. I feel so far way of my usual self. & I feel so far from my beloved God. Is He letting me go? Is He still listening to me? I cant even bear to talk to Him, Im too ashamed of myself. Im hurting myself so much. Why am I becoming into someone I dont even know now? Someone that I loathe. Why am I leading myself into a deep pit of Hell? How I wish I can just dissappear. The World is just so cruel. Let me vanish from the face of this earth..I want to be in God's hands. I want to be closer to Him. I dont want anything to destroy the relationship that we have. I dont want anything to come between us. Everything happens for a reason, I know. I want to change back into my old self again. Please help me change for the better. Please, I beg you. I dont want to hurt myself anymore. I need your help. Save me, please..... & randomness hits hard.
Changed skin. Not really satisfied ar. But the skin's not bad. School started, & it sucks. What's new? I only go there for my friends. But still, I gotta study hard & get a better GPA. Like seriously. No more slacking. People tend to do things that they'll regret. People are humans. Im a person, so Im human. I need to change for the better. & I MEAN BETTER. Random shit.
I get this idea from my dearest irritant, Haikel.Here goes; Stop HELP Fcuktard cb laughing distract Changes kns mf irritated diligent for gth fcuked up good lazy urge school coolness quit keep mouth shut ME SORRY depression Random crap. HAHA. Ive got nothing to do. Like Kelly, Im gonna distract myself to keep me happy. Poolside precious.
Wednesday was my last day of work until my next hols. Great bunch of peeps, gonna miss them. Reena hasnt plan jalan rayer yet! MDIS ppl, so busy. Hoping so much that we will get the chance to go out! Insyaallah. ![]() GORGEOUS POOLSIDERS BABES. ![]() Real name: Peizi. Now everyone knows your real name. muahahaha!(x ![]() ![]() Disturbing. I have a new born niece!! Her name is Urshia. Im not sure how to spell it/: DAMN CUTE LAAAA! she was born on the 5th of Oct. MY FAVOURITE NUMBER FIVE(:
Gonna go out with Baby TOMORROW!!(: I miss himmmmm! Gonna camwhore alot alot. With him & Izieeeeee!(: I am SO bringing her house down tomorrow. She's having an open house PEOPLE! Crashcrashcrash! HAHA. ITCHY, CANT WAIT TO SEEEE YOUUUUU~! I love you(: So Baby&I are going to Izie's & Ms Goh's houses. Gonna be in Black&white again. haha! GORGEOUSSSS! *ran--- I miss Izyan. ---dom* Oh well, gonna see her in a few hours more. Be patient, sofff.
IM GONNA START A FIGHTTT!!!"So so what? I'm still a rock star I got my rock moves And i don't need you And guess what I'm having more fun And now that we're done I'm gonna show you tonight I'm alright, I'm just fine And you're a tool So so what? I am a rockstar I got my rock moves And i don't want you tonight" make this world a better place.
House Bunny is HILARIOUS! damn nice movie, people! You should really watch it. The movie is best to watch it with your girl friend. You can go all bimbotic with each other. HAHA.So had a lunch date with Baby & it was raining DAMN heavily at wc, I swear. Had to change plans with Izie. Met her at Clem platform instead of bussing to Orchard. Yupp. We went to window shop at Heerens in the meantime to kill time for the movie. I searched for sweaters & there is nothing that appealed to me. Except for the one at MOOKS. EXPENSIVE, please? haha. So yeah, skipped that & came across Spin The Bottle. After the movie, we bought YAKPAK BACKPACKS!! So damn happy cann?? We got the different designs but almost the same color(: SAMEBAG FRIEND is backkkkk!(: Izie also bought a pair of geeky specs at 77streets. hehe. She looks so cute. Like a bear with specs.(x On the way home in the train, there's this aunty leaning on the glass pane at the side of the train door & squatting down, reading a magazine. She's like taking up the WHOLE FCUKING DAMN SPACE laaaa! Moreover, its the peak hour. Gaurentee she's from China. The face smackable sia. Like she didnt even know people are squeezing to get into the fcuking train. Singapore is REALLY becoming a country full of foreigners. From China,Phillipines,Malaysians,Indonesians, Indians..ESPECIALLY mf Indians. Asking for their MF EYES to be digged out from their sockets. UGH!! With God's will, I am gonna migrate from Spore. Study hard, get good job, collect money & migrate. & of cos, bring my mommy along(: These vids brings tears to my eyes. Its just so sweet to see all these people coming together as one. Why cant we all just drop own weapons & start living together in peace? Why cant we forgive & forget? Why do we always choose the path which will hurt someone at the end? The world is coming to an end for sure...not now but its somewhere near. If you want it to be that way, then its fine with me. As long as you're happy, then I'm happy(: Picture perfect.
Jalan rayer with Baby(:
As if meeting him on Thursday is not enough, & it is NEVER enough, we went out to jalan rayer on Saturday. & it is ALL to my fam's side. Muahaha! Firstly, went to my Teban Garden aunt's. My aunt cooked Asam Pedas! So nice of her(: && the asam pedas damn SHIOK! YUMMMMEHH! & Baby got to try Achar for the first time, if im not wrong. Nice right?? haha! So my aunt & him got to talk, we watched tele. & finally, my 2 of my cousins came down. The first sister went for check-up. She's pregnant & its already dued but havnt gave birth yet. But she has alr met Baby, from afar. haha! So yeah, the rest of the sisters got to meet him. Then, cabbed to Vivo to catch a movie. All the boys love Mandy Lane. Its okay ar. Nth really captivating. Its just gruesome & the twist in the ending is pretty cool. & the boys in that movie arent hot at all. So if you're watching it for the guys then dont bother. Before the movie, we went to Earle Swensens & dined in to kill time. Had the fries & Frank's HUMONGOUS hotdog. HAHA(x Its nice though. Very filling. After movie, window shopped for my sandals but none to my likings. So went TopShop & I bought girlboxers! Damn nice! When we got bored of Vivo, we went to Bugis to see the shop that I got the sweater for him. The salesguy was out for break & we waited there for like 30-45 mins? Uh-huh. Was kinda bored since Baby got a bad ulcer & it hurts when he talks. So yeah, was too tired of entertaining myself so I kept quiet too. When he couldnt take the wait anylonger, he walked to the shop & then like magic, the salesguy got back! haha. okay, on the second thought not really funny or cool ar. oh well/: The sweater which I bought for him is no longer in stock. Shits la. Wanted to get him a bigger size since he couldnt really fit in the previous one. & he wants me to have it q-_-p ugh. Was dissappointed, but he assured me that its okay. Gonna still buy him a new sweater, dont care! HE NEEDS ONE. ANYWAY, my heels are KILLING me. A box of Charlie&Peanut [im not sure if it's the actual name of the cartoon characters] is almost finishing. Goshh, the heels are GORGEOUS but it KILLS, dammit! Now I have quite a number of blisters. UGH. So we went from Bugis Street to Bugis Junction just to find a pair of slippers. Finally, I gave up on finding a nice one & I just settled for a pair of flip flops which cost 9bucks! hehe. Its time that I own flip flops! We left Bugis around 6.30 & trained to Commonwealth. Public rides surely never felt so good!(: Now, its time to visit my DAD. Yup! My DAD. My mom told me to. ugh. He didnt know I've brought a 'Friend' along. My mom told us to act as Tuition & old-school friends since I told him Im having tuition before gg to his place. Long story laaa. SKIPSKIP. According to Mr. Johan, my face was so serious & straight when we were there. & after the visit, just with a hug from him, I broke down..I didnt exactly think that I would even cry. It just hurt having to witness your dad being in the same room with someone else & not your own mother. & having to hear that bitch calling my dad 'sayang'? OHMYGOD. Blood starts to boil can? MF. Thank God, Baby's there for me. Seriously. He helped me to let go of my tears that I've been holding back & also help me to regain my strength back. Thank you(: Short bussed ride to my place, & now its time for him to meet my mom. HAHA. The MOST important person of all. But after a few minutes later, my uncle & his family came. He actually saw us tgt at the bustop near JE lib. HAHA. We were friends back then, & he didnt report it to my mom. hehe. He's the BEST(: So yeah, apparently Baby has met with almost all of my relatives except for my Woodlands aunt & BB aunt. Woodlands aunt knows abt us but my BB aunt doesnt. She's a lill strict. So Im kinda afraid. HAHA. Yupp. & he got to see my baby photos. I dont think there's any embarrassing ones inside. I hope not. haha. My Uncle left around 10.15pm, & finally my mom got to talk to him more. Baby got into trouble with his mom since he's sppose to be back by 10. Sighhs..I hate it when it had to end like that. UGH. But we had a chance to talk it out when I sent him off to wait for a cab downstairs. So it didnt end that suckily. Not considering the fact that his mom didnt let him go out for a month. It really hurt when he got into the cab & rode off... BUT HEY, a miracle happened & we can go out on Saturday!(: YAY!! To Izie's & Ms Goh's. Jln rayer again. huhu(x He has yet to tell me what had happened that made his mom changed her mind. ANXIOUS. Decided to have lunch with him 2mr. Just a lunch date & then Im off to meet IZYAN!!! I miss that rock-chick bestfren of mine! Gonna watch HouseBunny! haha!(x Pictures in awhile(: In nothing but your t-shirt on.
"Nothing feels right when Im not with you, sick of this dress & these Jimmy Choos, taking them off cause I feel a fool, trying to dress up when Im missing you, Im gna step out in this lingerie, curl up in a ball with something hanes, in that I lay...
& that is the first day of my life.
SELAMAT HARI RAYA PEOPLE! hehe. its been quite awhile since Ive blogged. :S Lazy ar. ANYWAY, I FINALLY met up with Baby yesterday! So happy la cannn? Okay so, we planned to meet at the bustop infront on my house. He told me he'll arrive in 5. So after 5mins, I looked below to check out if he's there. But nooooo. I was like 'so much for his 5mins!' So I just went down & walked out of the elevator. He came behind me & caught me by surprise la! HAHA. & he gave me a rose(: Damn sweet of him. We went to the Cathy to catch a movie. Eagle eye. Didnt really pay much attention to it. Hehs. SHHHH!! Had baked rice(x YUMMMEHHH! Ohoh! I gave him the sweater & he looks damn good in it! Only that it's a lill tight for him/: Sighhs. XL was sold out. fcuk. Oh well. Im glad you like it Baby(: After the movie, we went for Swensena ice cream! hehe. && we bumped into HANISAH & IZWAN!! Like finally I get to meet Izwan. I was happily shocked to see herrrr!(: Gave her a couple of kisses. haha! Talked abit & we went off to Far East to shop & then to Vivo. Baby tried on the Zara top that I found with Kel. & he looked FINE! Kinda expensive, so he'll just have to wait when he's working. haha. We both look like high-school kids I tell you! red,black & while. If Kel was there, he will be like 'GORGEOUS'. HAHA. Damn, I miss him. Cab back to my place from Vivo. The day didnt end quite well. Had the same ol' issue. Sighhhs. But everything's okay now. I love you Baby(': Thank you for the day spent. Its so DAMN GOOD to see you again. We have succeeded in going through a month w/o seeing each other. & I bet it makes our relationship stronger. My highschool sweetheart(: Us(: Im off to work now. Ciao~ |