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so sleep alone tonight
She wants to be happy.
Don't judge me.
I'm touchy, so be nice.
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Flimshow tribute.
Tribute to my loved ones;![]() Izyan Liyana Binte Mohd Rashid, Nur Hanisah Binte Zulkifli, Mohd Haikel Bin Mohd Shah; You guys mean the world to me. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Love is all about being stupid together. ![]() ![]() ![]() In an hour time it will be our 8th month going through things hand-in-hand, which we never thought we would. He has been trying his hardest to make me the happiest girl alive. & I appreciate it so much, till Im being so spoilt by him. I get mad at things instead of being understanding towards his situations. Demanding, thats how all the girls are in relationships. Its a fact. But whatever it is, we still stick by their side. Nothing can tear this feeling which has grown so strong for the pass few weeks, months, years. Baby, Im sorry for getting mad. I just wanted to spend time with you on our 8th. Yeah, I know I know..you have responsibilities. I should have understand your situation. Anyway, I just want to thank you for being there for me whenever possible. Really, you're my knight in shining armor. & Im glad you're the one who wipes my tears away, make me laugh until my tummy hurts. haha. Thank you Baby(': & I love you. Happy 8th month. Superstition turns to reality.
A note to all humans: NEVER take picture in threes. Trust me on this.
Hectic moments.
Past few days were pretty good for me, I guess.Trying hard not to think. Which is impossible for a human like me. HAHA. ANYWAY, celebrated Rosie's brithday last Friday! Hope she loved the 8 slices of cakes!! haha! I cant wait for myself to turn EIGHTEEN. Legal age to do anything! But I doubt I'll be taking those advantages. First thing Im gonna do is watch M18 movies. HAHA. A crazy 18 birthday party please? So school is going kinda smoothly for now. Finished my part of the report for IntWeb project. Lionel is compiling them up now. There's still alot more going on: 1) Stats ICA1 2) Accounting for Assets [AFA] ICA1 3) Eff Comm ICA2 4) POMGT ICA1 5) MicroEcons ICA1 & after all that, its my 2 weeks hols. GOD! So many things, so lill time. help! Mom's gonna plan for us to go KL with her fren. 2 days max. I dont mind, cuz I dont usually go for hols outside of Spore. I have no experience of riding on an aeroplane neither. Sad? Maybe. haha. So yeah. Izie's gna go to Langkawi on the 13th she'll be gg there for a week. So maybe, I'll spend my time in KL. So near yet so far. haha. Its just a tentative plan so not sure if its gna happen. Baby has been supportive of me. He's trying his best to prevent us from fighting. HAHA. & it is a lill impossible. But its working. & he's getting sweeter each & every day(: Thank you Baby for being there for me. && of course to all of you out there, from my classmates to my beloved close ones, thank you for the sweet words. I love you guys(: MUACKSMUACKS! We can go through it all!(: [ PS: I miss her): ] No one gives a fcuk, so dont bother.
Im tired.Really, I am. Not gonna give a fcuk anymore. School's a fcuking bitch. Projects piling up, Common tests getting nearer. Too many things in my mind now. JUST FCUK OFF PLEASE? Now I feel like quitting school, just like everyone else. Seriously. Poly life is so fcuked up la. I have no discipline & thats why Im in deep fcuk trouble. I dont even know if I can make it through & get a diploma. Can I just drop dead? Like seriously? Please? The beautiful 'F' word.
When am I ever gonna feel genuinely happy again?UGH. Everyone's pissed off. From school to work to friends to boyfriends. Nothing's going well nowadays. SHIT. I JUST WANT TO ENJOY MY LIFE. TO BE HAPPY. BUT WHY AM I NOT? Blabbering again. Fcukfcukfukfcukfcukfuckfcukfuckfuckfuck. I think Im going out of my mind. Like seriously. I need to destress. Care to join, anyone? random thoughts.
Guys are fcuking jerks. Well, guys who doesnt give a fcuk about other people's feelings. He's a fcuking good teacher, excuse me. It is our fault, dont get you fcuking ego in the way pls? Cuz you guys are just acting like fcuking jerks. How insensitive can they get? I've read a particular blog, & she is really damn sweet. I wasnt really in favour of her during those days. But hey, she is a good fren. I can see the honesty & sincerity in her words. Too bad I wasnt close to her. After reading it, it makes me think. We gotta be thankful & treasure our moments with the people who had touched our lives. Even if you guys had been through shits together & things arent settled till now, just be glad that you get to know eachother. Everyone is special in their own way, no matter how bitchy/fcuked up/bastard/asshole someone is, he/she will surely have a good side to them. Nobody's perfect. So you gotta accept each & everyone of the people around you. I dont feel good. Its like something's just not right. Like something is missing. Kinda feel empty inside. Or maybe numb. I think Im trying to feel numb, but in actual fact Im not fine at all. Ah fcuk, what am I blabbering about? I should stop. & please make it go away... & it was successful.
SENTOSA WAS GREAT!went at the edge of the siloso beach. Shallow water & I was LOVING it! haha! I cant swim so I wasnt really afraid. Throughout the moments when Baby & I were in the sea, I was clinging onto him all the way. HAHA. Koala bear(x & just like Izie&Ron, it was our first time going to the beach tgt(: & it was just a really happy moment for me. Seriously. After all the shits we've been through for the the week, it was really good to finally have a day without any fights or arguements going on. Thank you God. I love being at the beach with Baby. It was really blissful being in his arms while we're in the water. I feel so protected & he doesnt go against me when I told him not to go too far. He really did take care of me(': && Ron&Izie look damn cute lor. In the water, building sandcastles together..HAHA. The only thing that was a waste is not taking picture together. q-_-p Planned to but somehow everything was a lill rushed. The sky was cloudy & all. So Baby&I decided to go off instead of watching the sunset for the day. & plus, we were starving. HAHA. So yeah, ard 2.45-3, we went off to shower. & it started to rain during shower time. We walked under the light rain nonetheless. So yeah, trained to Vivo & had ljs for linner. After that, Ron&Izie went off since Ron had to go off, I think. So, Baby&I went to windowshop! hehe. Cant wait for him to work, so that I can shop! HAHA. yes, I know that's really evil of me. I wont go that far la of course. It's his money & he earned it. After Vivo, went to Hortpark & then home. Had quarrel with mom again. She likes to misunderstand whatever I say. q-_-p School tomorrow. Not thrilled. Just hope that there'll be laughters again. & it wasnt all that since something was missing. Laughing prata gas.
Today was PRATA DAY(:hehe. Kelly, Chloe, Bella, Tess & I went to the best prata shop in Spore at jalan kayu. POWER LA SEH. The prata bom REALLY the BOMB! It was like Heavenly sinful. After the meal, we were HIGH. & I mean it. We laugh like theres no tommorrow. Theres was this instance when Chloe was saying something & Bella snorted which triggered me to laugh until I spitted back the water which was in my mouth. EMBARRASSING. All the people were looking at us la. HAHA. But we didnt really care. We were to high on laughter. & it is good to see Tess REALLY laughing & smiling so widely. HAHA. Im happy(: Well, good news. Sentosa plan is ALL SET 2mr. Thank you, God. Really. I cant wait for things to get back as it is. Not gna jinx it or watever, just praying that everything's gonna be alright soon. what a REAL man should do.
What a guy should do; When you break her heart - [ the pain NEVER really goes away ] When she misses you - [ she's hurting inside ] When she says its over - [ she STILL wants you to be hers ] When she re-posts this bulletin - [ she wants you to read it ] When she walks away from you mad - [ Follow her] When she stare's at your mouth - [ Kiss her ] When she pushes you or hit's you - [ Grab her and don’t let go ] When she starts cursing at you - [ Kiss her and tell her you love her ] When she ignores you - [ Give her your attention] When she pulls away - [ Pull her back ] When you see her at her worst - [ Tell her she's beautiful ] When you see her start crying - [Just hold her and don’t say a word ] When you see her walking - [ Sneak up and hug her waist from behind ] When she's scared - [ Protect her ] When she lays her head on your shoulder - [ Tilt her head up and kiss her ] When she steals your favorite hat - [ Let her keep it and sleep with it for a night] When she teases you - [ Tease her back and make her laugh ] When she doesn’t answer for a long time - [ reassure her that everything is okay ] When she looks at you with doubt - [ Back yourself up with the TRUTH] When she says that she likes you - [ she really does more than you could understand ] When she grabs at your hands - [ Hold hers and play with her fingers ] When she bumps into you - [ bump into her back and make her laugh ] When she tells you a secret - [ keep it safe and untold ] When she looks at you in your eyes - [ don’t look away until she does ] - Stay on the phone with her even if she’s not saying anything -DON'T let her have the last word -DON'T call her hot, but gorgeous or beautiful is soo much better - Say you love her more than she could ever love you - Argue that she is the best girl ever - When she's mad hug her tight and don't let go - When she says she's OK don’t believe it, talk with her - Call her at 12:00am on her birthday to tell her you love her - Call her before you sleep and after you wake up - Treat her like she's all that matters to you - Tease her and let her tease you back -Stay up all night with her when she's sick - Watch her favorite movie with her or her favorite show even if you think its stupid - Give her the world - Let her wear your clothes - When she's bored and sad, hang out with her - Let her know she's important - Kiss her in the pouring rain - When she runs up at you crying, the first thing you say is;"Who's ass am I kicking today baby?" & I FEEL LIKE FCUKIN KILLIN SOMEONE.
nothing will go your way, so get over it.
Thursdane today in school. Nth interesting. blahblahblah...shits...blahblahblah. ok shut. Went to Novena to eat with Bella & Kelly. The Hokkien Mee SUCKS like what. Ugh. Not my cup-of-tea. Kinda wasted my money. Shits. Saved up for Sat but a high chance of not making it. Shall not elaborate more. Feeling fcuked up lately. My life is ALMOST at the lowest point now. I just have to be patient, I guess. For the sake of us both, I will try. & she feels like scccccccccrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaammmmmmmiiinnnnggggggggg! From frowns, to smiles.
The day before today, which is yesterday [duhh], was a walk back to memory lane for me. Met Krista in the morning before going to school as to pass her my Amaths book. Her boyfren's fren needed it. yupp. The moment I saw her, memories started to wash over me. I missed her so much. The times we spent together..& being there with her triggers more memories of my KR days with other people that I was close with. I didnt really wanna leave her just yet, but I had to go off since Im meeting Bella & she was waiting for her bf too. Didnt want to be a lampost. haha. Sighhs.. Went back to Jurong with Izie. Went library since I had the urge to read. Hehs. My poor sayang is sick. Sighhs, make sure you take your med horrr! At around 4, we went off & I send her home. Didnt want her to faint halfway. HAHA. So yeah, made sure she was safe & all. Then headed to KR to fetch Baby. It was pouring just as I reached KR bustop. Like Izie, the weather matches my mood too. Then, was at WC Plaza, which was a replacement for Ginza. Was with Nalyssa since Baby had to go buy somethings. & at the moment, I saw Shafiq, Irsyad & Helmi. At...Subway. q-_-p HAHA. But walau! It really looks damn good lor!! UGH. So yeah, since we didnt have anywhere to go to, I decided to join them. Goshhh...I miss Fiq pls?? & his 2 full moons. HAHA. I know you guys dont get it(x COUNCIL OUTING SOOON PLEASE??? At around 7.30-7.45pm, was on the way back home from WC. && guess who I saw met??? SARAH PYNE PENNEFATHER. The person who I miss spending time with the most, the person who I used to be very close with, the person whom I go crazy with, the person whom I share secrets with.. GOSH, I was so pysched to see her face. We were crossing this narrow road & we saw each other. & we hugged in the middle of the road. HAHA. I was damn happy I tell you. Sighhs... As sucky as the day may seem, Ive got to see people which brings smiles to my face. Thank You, God. & you're still my friend even if you're bitchy. Mundane, Tuesdane.
Just when I love the skin for my bl0g. q-_-pUGH. I hope Izie's getting well from her fever. Sighhs. Make sure you drink alot of water hor! SATURDAY BABEH!(: So, these past fews days has been mundane. Damn boring. You can practically hear the crickets la! Anyway, Im looking forword to tomorrow & thursday!! Meeting Baby, like FINALLY. Miss him like crazy pls? He's sitting for his last paper tomorrow! YIPPEEE! & then we're gna have linner with his sis. So long as I get to see him, Im esthatic(: & Thursday we gonna play badminton in the morning. I am SO gonna kick his asss! MUAHAHAHA(x No match for KR school team player ehhh! HAHA, yeah right. The worst among the team, that is. Sheeshh. ANYWAY, Im just looking forward to it! && SATURDAY double at SENTOSAAAAA! EXCITED YO!! hehehe. waiting for my Baby now... Okay, Ive got nth more to say. toodles~ all alone now.
Is that the way I should be treated?I have already made plans with my friends. I already told you beforehand. What more do you want? Its not my fault that I have no time to go where you want me to. You told me to go for these classes. I agreed. Its a Saturday, I shoud be able to go out with friends. I dont go horray horray during weekdays. Theres only one of me. If I have a sibling then it should be better, I guess. Seriously, my mood had been destroyed. I dont know what to do now.. thinking too much. Or is it?
Feeling shitty from yesterday onwards, I dont know why.I just feel that something's not right. Ah, fcuk. Shut up. Just leave it be. ANYWAY, school was a little mundane. Stayed back to do Eff Comm project outline. Im the 2nd one to give my speech to the whole class. Title 'The turning point in my life'. UGH. I hate presenting. So yeah, went home a ard 4.30 with Kelly. Stop it with your curly hair friend hor! Asss. haha! Slept in the train. Irritating seh, my head kept moving down. So embarrassing. haha. Im just so sleepy these past few days. SIAN. Nothing much to blog abt. Going to Syu's performance with Izie TOMORROW(: Oh yeah, did a personality test. Results; Engaged Idealists are extroverted and helpful. Others find them to be very congenial and inspiring - especially as they are always willing to see the best in the other person. Their humour, their energy and their optimism attract other people. Engaged Idealists are very good at communicating and are good at convincing and firing on others. That is why it is a matter of course that they often take over the leading role in groups. This personality type often produces very charismatic persons. Engaged Idealists have an unusually strong ability to empathise. They are tolerant and generous towards others; they sometimes tend to idealise their friends. They always try to suit everybody and want their relationships to be harmonious and satisfactory. To achieve this, they are prepared to invest a great deal and to put their requirements last. As Engaged Idealists are very considerate, there is the danger of them sacrificing and overexerting themselves for others. In their job, they therefore have to be very careful not to develop a burnout syndrome. Engaged Idealists are reliable, well organised and love structuring complicated situations. They have difficulty accepting criticism; they quickly feel hurt and misunderstood. Their perfectionism also influences their love life - they look for the perfect relationship for life. Once they have made their decision, they are faithful, well-balanced and loving partners. However, should they get involved with the wrong person, it can happen that they allow themselves to be exploited for a long time before they end the relationship. Adjectives which describe your type: extroverted, theoretical, emotional, planning, idealistic, committed, likable, enthusiastic, responsible, helpful, loyal, diplomatic, friendly, inspiring, caring, solicitous, optimistic, effusive, adaptable, communicative, articulate, convincing, energetic, optimistic, open, vulnerable These subjects could interest you: art, psychology, politics, honorary work, environmental protection, nature, travel Well, I guess that's me. "A year ago we met And I never would've guessed That you'd mean so much to me But those brown eyes drove me crazy And at the time everything was going wrong But you made everything seem alright So now I wonder where you are On this cold November night I thought you were the one But I was wrong cause you already left Tonight I don't know where you are But I know where you should be So here I am all alone When you should be with me" Specially for hanie.
Specially for my Darl, Hanisah;![]() She's the sweetest girl I know. I had her since I was 15. Our memories will still remain close in my heart & my mind. Thank you for everything that you've done for me. Even if we dont spend much time like we used to now, I will still remember you. Please do take care of yourself, darl. Im not there with you often. I want you ALIVE. I love you(: Breakfast<3
Today, the day started well. Baby cooked for me breakfast(:So bussed to his house. I really miss 51 rides to WC or JE. Every single day of my Sec life I've been taking bus to school & I love it. I slept in the bus since it was like 6 in the morning when I made my way there, I listen to 98.7fm or my lousy mp3 before I had an up-to-date hp [HAHA. Ancient sak my Nokia!], I did homework throughout the ride, I revise my work if I had a test on the day && the bus ride with Krista was just full of laughters. HAHA! Those were the days... ANYWAY, had an emotional ride just now. Felt feelings which were deep towards Baby. Had to tell him how I felt before anything happened. HAHA. If Kel reading this he'll be going 'so JJ'. YAYAYA! sheeshh. So yeah, arrived WC & went grocery shopping!(: hehe. Then, went to his house & he cooked. I wasnt much help. I didnt know what to do, so yeah. Sorry Baby, Im useless when it comes to anything about cooking./: We had scrambled egg with cheese, baked beans [thank God it didnt make me fart], hotdogs, bagels with french cheese...YUMMMMYYY! I was stuffing my face la! hahah! It was sooooo gooood(: [Chloe dont think wrongly ar!] I was so full that I felt like puking. It could have lasted me for the whole day that breakfast! SHIOK. So Baby helped me out with my Eff Comm project outline. Didnt really get much done. HAHA. Watched tv, listen to songs, camwhored(: It was a really good start to the day. Webcam the night before, while waiting for mom. ![]() ![]() ![]() camwhore module.
![]() Shitty to blissful.
5th Nov 2008, it marks the oh-so blissful day for me after 4pm. My morning started so shitty. Had a tiff with mom again. Money issue & stuff. Wanted to go watch movie with classmates but she started to lecture me. Sighs. It seriously spoilt my mood. Had some laughters in class, i guess I just needed to laugh. Suppressing it out loud while Im so down inside kinda thing. So school lasted for only 2hours since Stats lecture was cancelled. Tagged them along to PS. I sat there while they had ljs. I didnt want to eat. No appetite. But Chloe forced me to have something. She forced & forced, I kinda raised my voice at her in irritation. & then I broke down. haha. Its okay Chloe, Im sorry too. Thank you for your care & concern(: MUACKS. So when we reached The Cathy, I went off & took bus home.It was pouring when I was halfway to the bustop. Reached home & slept since it was raining heavily outside. Damn shiok. haha. It was only for 1h plus, then ate what my mom has cooked. She was working so Im home alone. Watched tv while waiting for Izie's arrival. When she reached, we decided that we were too lazy to go out. Kel wanted to go Queensway. So we urged kel to come over to my house & chill. I was surprised that Kel knows his way to my house. I didnt think he remembered, & even if he does, he'll ask me to fecth him. HE IS SPOILT FYI. HAHA. So he reached ard 5. We watched GG, Kyle XY & a lill bit of Ugly Betty. & after that came the ULTRA-FUNNEST PART! We YOUCAMWHORED, we YOUCAMVIDEOWHORED, we had PILLOWFIGHTS...OMG! If I ever want to have a slumber party, it'll be the BEST. ahaha! We made oh-so stupid vids, we posed oh-so stupid poses, we did oh-so stupid things. & its true, Love is being stupid together. I really love them. I do. That have made my day from suckiest to the best. Thank you Izie & Kel. We should do this more often(x MUUUUUUUUUUAAAAAACCCKKSSS! ![]() Damn right, she is! ![]() & damn right, he is! ![]() From camwhoring, ![]() To pillowfights, ![]() ![]() To kissing-your-twin pictures, ![]() To Haikel's what-do-I-look-like-if-Im-uglier pictures, [Note: I said UGLIER. hehe(x] ![]() To sandwiched us pictures, ![]() To the 1 to 10 finger poses pictures, ![]() To oh-so sweet us pictures, ![]() To going wild pictures... & Haikel made us promise not to post the vids up. Oh well, he just doesnt want to spoil his reputation. HAHA. Since I couldnt go out, I bring people in(x & IT WAS JUST BLISSFUL(: Making it through.
Baby, you're making me fall in & out of love with you.
![]() Can you say, 'THE CUTEST'? ![]() ![]() We have been through shits. I have made you go through shits. You have make me go through MAJOR shits. But in the end, we made it through... I love you. Oh-so beautiful people.
School doesnt really suck that much. Well actually, School doesnt suck at all when ROSENTAL is there with us(: She's only with us for every Monday & Thursday for Eff Comm. Each & every one of us is more alive when she's there. Last Thursday, we went all haywire when she came even though it was the last lesson of the day & it was till 4 to 6pm. haha! We CAMWHORED(: & having Tess around just adds more smiles on our faces. That girl is just different. Haha! To every girl in our class, well most of us, Tess is just PERFECT. She's soft-spoken, beautiful & just so intelligent. & before she's became close to us, our point of view of her is totally different. & now that we learned more about her, she is just like any one of us. She's funny in her own way. & sometimes in a lame way. HAHA. Like me ar. Everytime I make joke, nobody laughs. Cuz its too lame. q-_-p Sad you noe! okok, this is not about me. haha! Sorry. Well, yeah..School is getting less suckier now. Im glad(: I think I can live in NYP for 3 years. I guess. HAHA. Of cos, PROJECTS ARE JUST AN ASSSSS! dammit. Whoever came up with PROJECTS, is just a BIGGER ASSSS! Shit, what if that person is reading this?? OOPS. But hey, the probability of that happening is like 0.0000000000009817861939913024021324/NEVER. HAHA. LAME. ANYWAY, Things between Baby & I were on a FCUKIN ROCKY ROAD a few days back. It was just FCUKED UP. But now, everything's fine. Thank God. Went to ECP yesterday to attend Bella's Dad's Birthday Partyyyy!(x We arrived quite early than expected which was at 4pm. She told us that her parents wont be back till evening. So Baby & I went for a walk. The beginning of our trip to ECP was just so dead. We were both full of sadness & pissy-ness. It was kinda awkward. Walked to the wake-board site & we started talking about Wake-boarding. It was a start at least. & yeah, talked things out. & like FINALLY, things were normal again. Wait, why am I blogging about this?? I dont think you guys are interested right? Oh well, no use deleting it. You can cont reading if you're enjoying this. If not, SKIP. The walk in the park/beach was just a special way for us to spend time tgt. It's totally different from being in WCP. haha! ECP has a REAL beach yo! Just having to feel the wind blowing gently against your face & having someone hugging you so tightly from behind..it was just DAMN MAGICAL. & watching the night sky with your significant one, listening to the sound of the waves crashing near the shore..YOU GUYS SHOULD REALLY GO THERE. HAHA! Bella's parents only got to the chalet at 9 plus. Finally, the birthday boy has arrived! Having to witness this touching event is really priceless. The daddy so cute la! So small sized. haha! && OMG, BELLA'S LITTLE BROTHER!! He is just the FREAKIN CUTEST PLEASE!! I feel like hugging him so tightlyyyyy! Biting him so hardddd! [Just imagine what my child will go through with a mother like me.] The eyes are so damn HUGE. && he is just so obedientttt! Goshhh...! hahaha! High liao. & Bella is really a good friend to have. She entertained me throughout(: So after having the oh-so delicious food & cake [the cake like play-dough sehh!], Baby & I had to go off at 10. He needed to reach home at 10.30 or else he'll be grounded for a week. umm-hmmm. So we cab back home. Sent him off first & then to my place. The cab driver was nice(: He told me about his daughter & all. Reached below my block where my mommy waited for me. She topped-up our cab fare for us. We had a tiff. She was waiting for me 45 mins for my arrival. She misunderstood fo what I said. Not my fault sehhh. Anyway, things are okay now. hahaha! I still love her(: Oh, & she needs to go for an X-ray check-up tomorrow since she keeps on coughing non-stop. It has been like over 3 months? I hope there wont be anything wrong with her. Oh! && yesterday, I was entertaining my mommy. Dancing & singing 'Potong bebek angsa' to her. & at the nick of time, Baby arrived at the front of our doorstep. HE SAW MEEEE! Fcuk. So embarrassing cannn??? HAHAHAHA. I had a shock of my life. Tskk. Thanks Baby for the day spent. It was really priceless. I love you(': & thank you Bella for inviting me over(: It seems that I have missed alot of things that you're going through in your life. I'm sorry if Im not there for you, Hanie. Please do take care of yourself. & to nenek Izie! [Im not refering to Izie's grandma, Im calling Izie a gradmother. HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Shut up!] CAN WE MEET UP LIKE SOON??? |