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so sleep alone tonight
She wants to be happy.
Don't judge me.
I'm touchy, so be nice.
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On top of the world.
DISTRESSING, that was what I did today.Went to school just for the sake of taking back my handphone charger from Tess since she forgotten to return me yesterday. & if I didnt go to school, I wont be able to go out since mom's not working. HAHA. Had alone time with Kelly since Bella is sick today. Its good to talk & have sometime alone with one another. So as our friendship will get stronger. Wait for me to be 18 hor Kelly! haha! So yeah, left school at around 1 & off went to meet Baby. He played a role of the sick worker today. So he can leave work earlier. huhu(x Today, we both are so evil. Gosh. But he was not feeling too well. Well, a little bit only la. HAHA. Waited for him at Raffles platform for 45mins. I was early since he only end work at 2. Rotted at the train station. Thank God its air-conditioned. Phew. &then, came Baby. We trained to Commonwealth since our Habourfront plan was thought of too late. We had lunch in a hawker center nearby. & I had my Quiznos Zesty! hehe(x Thx baby. & I treated him to Nasi Ayam Black Pepper. & off we went to HORTPARK. When I saw that oh-so-very tall bridge, I wanted to go there badly. & today, my wish came true(: We walked along the bridge, after the rain stopped after a few minutes. Well, it was drizzling but who cares. It was quite a tiring journey. & when we were halfway there, it started to pour. & my other wish came true. hehe(x We climbed up the hills, walked&walked&walked. Until, finally we reached there. THAT OH-SO-VERY-TALL BRIGDE. I was so damn excited. Hand-in-hand, Baby&I stepped onto the wooden platform. taking in the beautiful sceneries of a cold & drizzly Singapore. Gosh, it was amazing. & thats when the distressing began. We spend quite sometime on that bridge after our hard effort of climbing those hills & those walking distances under the pouring rain. Camwhored there. HAHA. It was sooo a must to camwhore la. At around 6.30, we left. ![]() & it got me mesmerized. If only I have a DSLR. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() hehe. ![]() ![]() CENTRE PARTING LA SEH! ![]() ![]() ![]() thank you for today. You really went out of your way to make me happy. Even if ure wearing jeans since you didnt realized that we were actually hiking. HAHA. But you still went with what I wanted. Thank you Baby. & the rain just made this moment better. I didnt even care how I looked like, being drenched in the rain. All I care about is that I have you by my side throughout the journey(: I am so glad that I shared so much experiences with you & not other guys. You are the reason for the smile on my face. I love you(': & I'll stop writing the saddest songs.
OKOKOK. I'll stop with the emo posts.Now, it'll be on a lighter note. Although I dont feel so since tomorrow is my PRESENTATION. FCUK. okokok. I'll save the swearing for the last part. this post will just be full of pics which are from quite a long time ago. hehe. Sorry people. Okay, so I'll let these pictures do the talking. Now to start things off, on 7th Jan 09, Wed, met up with Izie & Kel to go wcp for photoshoot. Whenever go out with Kel the day cant end without a photoshoot. q-_-p Anw, these are the pics! & yeah, had an awesome time!(: ![]() ![]() Apparently, posing in pain is the 'in' thing in modeling. & so Kel said. ![]() ![]() ![]() I TOOK THESE PICS!!(x ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() He is like a brother to me(: So after WCP, Izie&I met up with the SC ppl for dinner to discuss for the orientation camp the next day. Which I didnt overnight. UGH. & she served us! First glance & I was so shocked la. PFFT. whatever. Im over it! This is on Hanie's birthday!! WOOHOO! I hope she had a kicking-ass 19th celebration with us. I love you my twin!(: MUACKS!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() My princess(: ![]() & he is MY BITCH!(: In a good way kel. ahaha! ![]() hehe. HAHA! BRRRRRILLIANT!(: [Kel so vouge. I LIKE!] ![]() I love the tunnel yo! On Baby's birthday, went to meet up with him after school. We had dinner with his Dad & sis & his stepmom. Had Japanese food. First time in a real Jap place. OMG. The people are just so adorable la! HAHA. && Baby got mad when I waved to our chef for the section we sat at. He's like 40 plus la. & I just thought that he is cute. I MEAN, HE IS AN UNCLE!! OKOKOK, shutting up. ![]() ![]() Love the hotel toilet! I cant remember when Baby got his first electric guitar. Its either on the 14th or 15th. Anw, he was so psyched! HAHA! ![]() & this one is from yesterday. Baby came by & accompanied me at home(: We YOUCAMWHORED! Damn fun! HAHA. && theres a vid too. Of us biting each other. HAHA! I noe we're weird but who cares? I love him, & that's that! HAHA!! & he did something so sweet for me. So, I was preparing food for him while he did something to surprise me. He was camwhoring alone in the living room. I didnt expect anything until I asked him what he was doing. & he was such a suspicious article at that point of time. HAHA. After preparing the food, he showed me something. & it brought tears to my eyes. Something so small touches my heart. ![]() For the benefit of those who doesnt get it, he is bringing a message across which says 'I love you'. HAHA! Baby, you are just so full of surprises. I love you.. I wish Im in a coma.
Stressed out,cant stop tears from flowing. After what was said, thoughts which were so strong ran through dead brain cells, she didnt need to hear that.. Maybe it is true, but coming from her other half broke her heart. Clueless on what to do now, so many things are in mind, & tears just kept on flowing.. How she wishes that she is in Reuben's shoes, admitted to the hospital, having so many people around, or the best way is, to just be in a coma. Sleep & never wake up. She really doesnt know, what to say or feel. There is just a question on her mind, Is she hurting him more than loving him? I'm sorry, I just need sometime alone for now.. Oh God, let me fall sick. I just wanna take in meds, curl up in bed & just be in a very long sleep. I dont want to wake up, cuz it seems that Im a burden to the ppl I love.. Take me away, God... lowest point in life.
crack the egg!
& This beautiful girl here, turns 19 in like 3 mins ago. HAHA! HAPPY BIRTHDAY NUR HANISAH BINTE ZULKIFLI!!! I love you my twin sister(:
For the past 2 days, I've been spending my time with my beloved SC ppl. & it was bliss. Seriously. I havnt seen them in ages! GOD.7th Jan 2009, Wednesday. So after school I went to meet Haikel at WC market. We went to WCP & had double-choco frappe! SHIOK. We waited for Izie at Mac & then off we went to photoshoot!(: WE HAD A BLAST camwhoring! Its good to see Izie again. Like FINALLY. HAHA. The sun rays from the sunset was really glaring. But it added nice effect to our pics yo! HAHA. The wonders of mothernature. I love God's creations. Izie&I seperated from Haikel at abt 6 plus to go for our dinner with our SC ppl. We ate at Fish&Co. Laughters were everywhere. There were Fiq, WeiErn,Beel,Carissa,JiaQi&JianPing working there. ESTHATIC BEYOND WORDS. 8th Jan 2009, Thursday. I wasnt allowed to go to KR camp. Mom was just so naggy. We had a hell lot of arguements these past few days. UGH. Anw, she wanted me to go to my TB aunt's place to send some food. So yeah, I did. & I sneaked in the plan to drop by KR since its near TB. HAHA. So met Izie at bustop & we bussed to KR. Carissa was the earliest & she was at the bustop we were alighting. So we waited for the rest to come by. Camwhored a few & finally Fyda,Adrian & Yas came after spraying their hair black. HAHA. So we entered the school & toured around. Met a few teachers & we went to meet Fiq at WCPlaza cuz he didnt want to come into the school alone. q-_-p We made our way there, Syu came along & decided to settle down in Fish&Co. since we didnt know where to lepak at. HAHA. WCPlaza is just to classy. There's not even a fast food restaurant. Sheesh. So all the 8 of us [including Fiq who came after 30 mins or so], ordered a huge drink. & we passed it around, taking it in sip by sip. HAHA. We were making alot of noise there, I think the workers were irritated by us. But wth? There's not even a soul dining in there. HAH! After like an hour plus sitting there talking cock, we finally made our way back to school. & we wasted time again waiting for everyone to be able to get into the school. Fiq couldnt cuz of his hair. UGH. KR rules are just so stupid sometimes. q-_-p Friggin irritating. When we finally got in, we went to the parade sq & there I saw this girl who I miss a whole lot. HERLEEEEEEEEEEEN!(: I ran up the stairs & hug her ever so tightly. GOSH. Its been so long. I was about to tear up in that special moment. HAHA. So yeah, Ive successfully met a few other ppl NATE,SUBODH,LEEN,JERLYNN & SYU. Left at ard 7 & bussed home. Wished I could overnight with them. Sighs..but hey! I got to meet them anw. Better than nth(: She was working & OH-AM-GEEEE. Not gna make any comments. HAHA. Im just glad that I dont feel any insecurities. [PS: 5 more minutes to SOMEONE'S BIRTHDAY!(:] I WANNA BE RICH, BITCH.
![]() Have you ever wanted so badly to go for an overseas holiday? Be on an aeroplane since you have NEVER EVER been in one in your entire life before? & realizing how pathetic your life is when all of your friends have overseas trips with family or friends, be it to Malaysia or to Australia. Pathetic confessions; I have never been on an airplane before. Its been 5-6 years since Ive gone to Johor, which is the only place I had ever gone to in my life. Does it even consider as overseas? Worst of all, do any of you out there think that I can even step out of Singapore when I am not even allowed to go for a chalet. Baby told me an exciting news yesterday, but I shld have known that I shldnt even have any hopes of being able to go. I shld have this wow-thats-exciting-but-obviously-I-cant-go mentallity. 3 weeks of bliss-not gonna happen. Financial & freedom matters. Mom has been nagging at me non-stop. & this is the first time in a long while I actually want her to go to work quickly. I'll just wont get my hopes high on anything anymore, period. [PS: Bella, the tix costs 3000bucks btw. To & fro.] one after another.
Paranoia was shot dead. I AM THINKING STRAIGHT NOW.Met Baby at 4pm just now at DG control station. So happy to see him. He always know how to make me laugh(: We did have tiffs & these few days we have A LOT of fights but its okay, everything's resolved now. Thank God. I love you Baby(': Btw, on thurs we went for a movie. & we passed through as 18!! Or at least I got pass through as 18. HAHA! Thanks to Baby. The guy at the counter studied me for awhile. Baby & I acted casual. & WE WERE THROUGH!! hahaha! damn elated please, since I know I dont look like an EIGHTEEN year old. q-_-p [PS: 3 MORE MONTHSSS!(x] So we watched College on that very day. Lots of boobs & sex. Was uncomfortable but it became out of hand so I didnt see the point of covering Baby's eyes anymore. HAHA. He saw alot of them before anw. ALL BOYS WATCH PORN. & thats a fact. I gotta start my revisions. Exams are less than 2 months away. Im seriously slacking my ass off. ANYONE GOT A WHIP? Oh fuck, & there are a fcuking lot of projects to be done! FCUKFCUKFCUK. & I only realized it now. ARGHHH! 3 fucking projectssss. Im dead meat. Is it true? cuz I saw something disturbing.
I think I cant change the way I am. The paranoid part of me, I cant seem to change it. I hate having these thoughts of bad things that'll happen. For example is it true or is he/she lying to me? It cant be since its too impossible somehow..I AM REALLY HATING THIS. UGH. Skool sucks like as usual. I think it sucks more now. I NEED TO START STUDYING!!! damn it, sof! Get your ass going! Cracking my brain on what to get them for those big days. I reallyreallyreally hope that I'll be able to get GRRRREAT stuffs for them. I dont want to suck a being their close friend by not giving them anything special. CRACK CRACK CRACKKK. Im just bored now. My heart's jumping around in uneasiness & worry-nes now. [I seriously need Peck Joon. My english is becoming HORRIFYINGLY HORRIFIC.] I'll try distracting myself, even when I know it wont work. Hmmm...maybe I shld read a book. OKAY DOKES. [PS: I SAID HANDS-OFF.] im having a badbad feeling now. OKAY SOF, SNAP OUT OF IT. 2009 is heeeeeeeeere!
HAPPY FREAKIN 2009 BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE!! Sorry for not replying to msgs. My prepaid is out of credit. & it sucks. UGH. Its like every new year I'll compose msgs & send them out to my beloved ones but this year, I cant. What a start. So anyway, since I couldnt go out on the night of eve, Baby came over & accompany to countdown through the tele together. HAHA. Party at home tgt with mommy. q-_-p 2008 ended on a good note, Thank God. Baby & I had arguements. Glad that everything's okay now(: && my 2009 started on a good note too. Its just great if you have your significant other by your side, experiencing the end & start of another year of our lives.. I love you Baby(': 2009's resolutions is to be a better person, be closer to God & keeping my friendships alive. [PS: HANDS-OFF ASSSSS.] |