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so sleep alone tonight
She wants to be happy.
Don't judge me.
I'm touchy, so be nice.
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Im a BIRDY~!
& FINALLY!!!!!!Its O-V-E-R~!(: after what we all have been through, the tears, immense-stress, crazy non-stop laughing[due to stress], calling & msging one another abt our progression of our revisions... We have finally made it out alive. Finally. Okay, AFA paper sucked. Only Sention C which holds 50marks. Half of my marks are in danger. UGHH.oh well. Due to lack of practice & all. Was breaking down like mad yesterday. Had holiday mood from Friday onwards. Stayed home on Saturday & mugg. But not all went inside my head. Went out the whole day&aftnn with mommy. Start revision ard 7 plus. & brokedown around 10. Cuz I dont understand somethings. The moment Baby called, the moment I heard his voice, I was wailling in tears. HAHA. imagine la! so embarrassing/: My mom tot somebody passed away or something. HAHA! She told me to sleep & work more on it the next morning. After talking to my frens & Baby, I went to bed. Woke up at 5am the next morning. It was better since alot were registered(: Thank you Bella, Kelly & Baby for being there for me throughout. I love you guys(: Anyway, my plan for holidays areeeeeeeeeee; -Spend quality time with Baby, Haikel, Izie & Hanie(: I miss them so fcuking much! -Work [I hope I'll find a job soon.] -SHOPPING [when i get a job q-_-p] -GO OUT GO OUT GO OUT! Gotta enjoy holidays now cuz our cher told us that we wont have long hols in Year 2. Fcuk, attachments!!! I dont want Cheers please? 9-6pm, 5days per week, Not paid a single cent = WAR! lalalala~ I cant wait for WEDNESDAY! hehehe. 11th month yo!(: okay, gna sleep now. GOODNIGHT(: IMH candidate.
LAST PAPER TO GOOOOO~! AFA, shit. Im scared please. sighhs...but hey! Im gna study real hard since this is the final paper Im sitting for. && I have something to look forward too anw(: So today, is a distress day. 4days of not meeting Baby. & Ive got to meet him like finally! I miss him so damn much pleaseee. & like always, he made my day(: We trained to Harbourfront & had breakfast. Our usual fave dish. huhu(x Window-shopped & watch a movie called 'Love Matters'. Ruiqin said its nice. & indeed, it is. Very educational. It sent a message of sex is not eveything. We do not need sex to feel loved. Yupp. Jack Neos's movies rocks! Support local ppl! Anw, back to my day with Baby. hehe. It feels so good to be in his arms again. reallyreally. He is my pillar of strength, besides mommy. hehs. He knows how to make me laugh, cry, angry, dissapointed, hyper & all that. & sometimes , he makes me hate him & love him at the same time. HAHA. yes, your significant other can drive you up the wall. I am really praying that he will be my fate for sure. Insyaallah, Amin. Johan Neil Burhanuddin is driving me crazy. blabalahbububuwahawkakayayauayhejsbcibs~! see? crazy liao. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHA, ok sof. stop. ![]() ![]() ![]() Yupppp! that's the guy, right there! The culprit(: perservere, thats what KSL taught me.
1 DOWN, 3 MORE TO GOOOOO!! I cant fcukin wait for this to end. Goshhh..! MicroEcons was a quite difficult && I forgotten quite alot of things. Shits la. UGHHH! oh well, I just hope I'll pass EVERY SINGLE modules of mine. reallyreally. I do NOT want to retake or sit for supp paper. Oh God, help me pls? anw, finally did some shopping today. After paper, went lot1 with Kelly. Shopped at Cotton On! hehe. Eh, && I bumped into Nadia AGAIN! HAHA! I bumped into her during the flea. So shocked when she called my name, I turned & OMG, NADIA! haha! We hugged ever so tightly. Missed her(: She's my primary school friend btw. huhu. At Cotton On this Philliphine bitch cut my queue. Im not being petty ar, but she doesnt even have the courtesy to like ask if im in the line. She just squeezed in, stand so close to the counter. CB. I just gave in & went behind her. I swear, I hate these foreigners. Take up space in Singapore only. You think you have money you big shot is it?! CB, go back to ur country la asss! Sorry, was venting my anger. hehe. So yeah, OHOH! && the hook of the hanger got stuck in my hair! HAHA! I was playing with the hook of the hanger, rubbing it against my head then it got stuck. HAHAHA! wth sof. On Sunday which is yesterday, Baby & I went for picnic at WCP. He cooked some hotdogs, clam chowder, baked beans & mash potatoes. The mash potatoes & clam chowder were rejected. HAHA. Nonetheless, thanks Baby(: && thanks for the CD toooo! MUACKS!! I put this up just cuz he looks good. HAHA! oh God, I look gross!! Sunset is bliss.
Eventhough the night ended pretty badly, I am still glad that I got to spend 3h with Baby after quite sometime of not meeting up. Despite our tiffs Baby, I still love you..Thank you for everything. happy vday sof..not.
Went to skool to study with Kelly today. & we did benefit from it okay. Thanks to Glenn, our pink Doraemon. HAHA. He taught us Stats & now I'm quite okay with it. All Im woried about is MICRO ECONOMICS. asssssssss. So many things to remember, so lill time, lacking of brain cells to store those infos...ARGHHH!!!! Fucking stress please)": Sighhhs... & this arguement or silent treatment is just not helping me.. No Valentines for me..I mean, you're not even msging me for a long while..I know Im giving you this attitude again, but cant you just....? Ah, fcuk. I dont want to say anymore. I'll just be locking myself at home with my new boyfriend, my lecture notes. Mom doesnt let me go out 2mr anw... & yes, Valentines sucks big time. I hate this feeling of watching other girls having roses in their hands, chocolates..big smiles on their faces... It's as thought Im in secondary school again, when I have no significant other to celebrate with, ending up all alone while my friends go out with theirs. But even sec skool days, I do receive chocs & Chrysanthemum tea flowers from Haikel. AHAHAHAHA!!! priceless sia that one! Sighhhs...those were the days. anw, Kelly&I went to Bella's since she is so traumatised till she's afraid to step out of the house. Yup. Danie is THE CUTEST!! hehe. took pics of him(: ![]() ![]() Cute isnt he? haha. He&Kelly, meant to be! HAHA. & he's gna be a rockstar when he grows up! A guitarist yo! xD & now for my other dearest irritant, Kel. Spent quite sometime with him. & I miss him alr. I love you, Kel. Thank you for the days(: & yes, I was wearing so slacky that day. Saturday flea out! & my fave thing that I bought! Well, thats the pics from these pass few days.
Im sorry.. Factual facts.
OH YA! I forgot to do this quiz thigy that Hanie told me to. HAHAokay, so here it goes! A. Each player of this game starts off with 10 weird things/habits/little known facts about yourself. B. People who get tagged need to write on their blog of their own 10 weird things/habits/little know facts as well as state this rule clearly. C. At the end, you need to choose 10 people to be tagged & list their names. D. No tag back. 1. I do not comb my hair. Only once a month? I dont see a need to anw. hehe. 2. Im kinda deaf. Whenever I dont noe what someone is talking about & see them laughing at something, I'll just laugh along or just entertain them by nodding my head or smile. HAHA! 3. Im a girl who always give in easily. [Kelly&Bella told me so.] 4. Whenever Im upset or dissappointed, I cannot seem to hide my sad-face. I should start practicing nownownow. 5. Eventhough it doesnt seem like I care, in actually fact I really do. 6. I have a short-term memory. Usually ar. 7. I constantly have migranes. & it is so irritating. Im having one now. UGH. 8. Music turned on so loud, I sing to the songs trying to reach those high notes whenever Im home alone. hehe. 9. I love eye make-up but I just dont know how to do it. 10. If I have fair skin tone, I will surely dye my hair in rainbow colors. LUCKY PEOPLE; -Izie -Haikel -Bella -Kelly -Syafiqah -Krista I am also sort of people just like Hanie. HAHA! sad life toooo. exams yo!
To my beautiful people,I am gonna be glueing my face to my lecture notes for the rest of these 10days. Exams are coming & I really have to buck up. REALLYREALLYREALLY. So to my close ones, dont be mad if I dont really entertain you or keep in contact. I'll make up to you guys after all of these are over ok? I LOVE YOU LOTSLOTS! take care ppl. I'll update only if I have the urge to(: MUACKS! The final riot!
![]() I AM TOTALLY LOVING PARAMORE. Not that I dont love them since the first time I heard them, I love them MOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEE! hehe. Baby bought me the newest Paramore album like a few weeks ago. I was like a child eyeing a candy on the shelve, not getting it. He bought it for me since I got no money to buy it on my own/: I know, pathetic. Oh well. Watever it is, THANKS BABY(: So yeah, totally hooked on it. ![]() Presenting, Hailey Williams. My idol. ![]() ![]() ![]() I want her shirt. Okay, now for the one that always catches my eyes during the concert. hehe. Presenting, JOSH FARRO. *mesmerized sigh* ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() & the guitar is like Baby's. heh heh. It made my preferences more CLEARER now. Guitarists are hotter than drummers please! Im so glad that im with one now(: & he's the one that I love. Get that, Baby! I may oogle at celebs but you're still the one I set my eyes on at the end of the day. huhu. ![]() Last but not least, PARAMORE ROCKS MY GIRL BOXERS!!! [PS: I love wearing my girl boxers. hehe.] bridge over troubled water.
MORE PICTURES,these are from Baby's hp(: ![]() ![]() See how drenched I am? Failed attempt to be sexy when wet. ![]() ![]() ![]() Hip hop meets boyband meets emo. ![]() ![]() action ar. long fringe liao.