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so sleep alone tonight
She wants to be happy.
Don't judge me.
I'm touchy, so be nice.
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Early 15th <3
Had a blast yesterday after school! Had a dreadful lesson from 9am to 12pm. Bored out of our witts please. Plus my morning didnt start so well. [Okay, I just realized how contradicting my 2 lines were.q-_-p] I personally think that lesson using the lappie isnt helping. AT ALL. We will just be distracted by things like facebook, msn, youtube & stuff. & plus, LAPTOPS ARE HEAVY! I want my PAPER & PEN BACKKK!! sometimes, having it the old-fashion way is just the best. So anw, after lesson is over, Baby was waiting for me at Macs. He is such a dear to be making his way from WC to YCK each time he is fetching me. Thank you, Baby(: Lots of compliments were thrown to you by my fellow mates! HAHA. [so aussie.] We took some time to decide what we were having for lunch. Well, at least, HE was taking such a long time to decide. Dont want get fat la, this la, that la! HAHA. xP So anw, I was gna find Kelly to support her for her mini roadshow. She's in EMRS now. HAHA. I forgotten that she was attached to Macs instead of North Canteen. Baby saw her making sales around & I went up to her. HAHA. Damn cute pls! Buy her products & if it exceeds 5bucks, the cutomers get 2 free Gloria Jeans coupons. HAHA!! Damn funny pleaseee! But I gotta give it to them. Creative thinking in increasing their sales. HAHA :D So, Baby & I had our lunch & socialized with my friends here & there. Trying my best to let him fit in & open up with them. HAHA(: After that, we left school finally & trained to town. We planned to catch a movie. It was either Girlfriends Past or Drag me to hell. & so we settled for Ghost of Girlfriends Past. Went to window shop to kill 50mins of our waiting time. & D-A-M-N! There was a hell lot of good deals for the GSS!! I need a job. UGH. I hate it when Im broke): oh well. Anw, the movie fcuking ROCKS my ass offfff! It is sad, funny & all that! I was crying & sobbing all the way. HAHA. & my Baby, was there wiping them off(: hehe. It was like a waterfall, I tell you. & I agree with Hanie, guys who are jerks shld watch this movie. HAHA! After movie, we went over to Harbourfront to our favourite eating place & had our dinner there. & then, we bussed to HORTPARK! We didnt actually go to HortPark la, but we went hiking! HEHE. Walked all the way to Henderson Waves~! & guess what, it was maghrib by the time we reached Hortpark/: It got dark when we were walking on the trail. It was damn scary please. It was dark when we reached the 'jungle'. Or is it called 'forest'? ah, whatever it is, It was damn eerie. Baby told me, to not say anything if I smell a sweet scent. I was freaked out & I kept on babbling about things & also singing Paramore under my breath. HAHA! We were panting when we climbed the rest of the way to Henderson Waves. Baby ran & pulled me along with him up the hill. HAHA! It was much nicer at night, reallyreally. There were 3 places to sit. 1 corner was the freinds-lepak corner, 2nd was the couple corner & the 3rd was the family corner. HAHA! Like seriously! No kid! HAHA! So we settled for the couple corner since there was only a set of them. Yup. We took in the night breeze, the dark sceneries, the black velvet sky..It was just so magnificent. Baby&I camwhored and we had a twilight moment. HAHA! We lay on the wooden planks which are 65.87km above sea level & dont forget, above the concrete road too & we stared into the night sky with the stars twinkling above us.. Bliss(: & I didnt want to budge from that moment, ever. Being so close to the sky which I love so much, Witnessing the stars twinkling above me, Having to share a moment so priceless, with the one who is priceless to me himself, & to have made such a memory for the both of us.. it was all I could ever ask for. Syukur Alhamdulillah.. Thank You Allah for your beautiful creations & also letting me have such a moment. Grandma Sofy :D Grandpa Jo :D Oh Baby, you sizzling lill thing! HAHA! We're like at a party like that. HAHA! \m/ Peace out yo! I love you Baby..(': MSC; 'HI, WELCOME!'
Okay, finally my poly life has some sparks in it. MSC is just the best please. Had so much fun socializing and making new friends. For once, my social circle is widened. HAHA. But of course, I wouldnt forget my other friends. Miss my class so much. Bumping into them once in a while is just the greatest feeling ever(:Im having my classical stopover now. Its quite a bored when we got used to running around the place getting things done during MSC. Now, having our asses stuck in the chair for 3hours lessons is just...dreadful. But hey, we had some laughters but most of the time its freaking quietly boring. The ones who were the 'ra-ra' ppl are just dead when they're in class. UGH. Oh well. Anw, latest news; NYP will extend holidays for a week more. && guess what? TEP students will NOT be affected. *%!%#!&##(*&#&!!! I OFFICIALLY HATE NYP. its just not fair. ![]() ![]()
![]() Ethnic eye-opener.
One word for the ceremony, AWESOME! Its not like any other circumsition ceremony. This is REALLY a ceremony. After all that, Im so proud of my race. The Javanese tradition is so different than the others, really. Im just awed. Seeing Bella, Im really happy for her. Her family has been through alot & now, they're just so close and happy. I envy them but also happy for them, really(: Seeing her dad with Dannie just now, brings sentiments. HAHA. Damn cute la pls, that Dannie! && Bella & Qummi is just SOOOOO compatible! OMG. They look damn mature & like they're alr married kinda thing u noe? HAHA!! xP After ceremony, went shopping for Kelly's pink top for her EMRS roadshow. HAHA! :D It's been awhile since Ive spent my time with her. Bella, I am really really happy for you. From the bottom of my heart, I am(: I love you & Kelly!!(:
Prince for the day(: RANDOM BLOG MOJO STRIKES!
I dont know why but I suddenly have the mood to be blogging && maybe like upload pics in my facebook. Revamp my cyber life. HAHA.ugh, my 'B' is so irritating. Keeps coming out of the freakin keyboard. q-_-p Soooooooooooooooooooooo, I dont really like my blogskin to be with these navigations. & I still dont know why I choose this blogskin. q-_-p maybe I'll change it again next time. When I have the mojo to. HAHA. School's been a bitch. So many things to do. UGH. Presentation tomorrow. Had a field trip to like research & examine these companies or outlets & present on them to our supervisors. UGH. Waste of time. Anw, my music is revamped! WOOHOOO! Must make more friends who's into nicenice music. Not that Im making use of them or anything la. Just socializing(: HAHA. wrong, wrong, wrrrrrrroooooong! Im not sure if we gna have a week of hols before starting on our class. I hope so. I wanna workkkkk! I need moneyyyyyyy. Mom's scolding me as I keep buying alot of things. Dont want trouble her alr. Keep your own perceptions about things to yourself. Or it'll just be another karma. I wanna cut my hair. But I dont know when to/: Shld I cut it after or before my menses? hmmm. Another week of MSC && we are OOOOOUUUUTTTTTA THERE! \m/ Im gna miss my MSC peeps. My life has been fun-filled since this begun. But Im gna be in the same class as most of them. WOOOHOOO~! MK & BM students in one classsss. Confirm chaoticly fun! I hope/: School's taking a toll on me.. NEWS FLASHHHHH~!!! ![]() OMGOMGOMGGGG~! Look what Ive found out in too-wit-too-woooooooo! Ashton Kutcher's twits; The love note episode is probably the best (and sweetest!) thing Ashton’s done, second only to beating CNN to 1,000,000 followers. See how Ashton got fans to send 3,600 tweets to Demi Moore within a 7 minute time span! `Waiting for my wife to wake up half way across the world so I can tell her good morning. (9.03pm) `can you all help me make her morning? At 7:45am pst that 1hr 25 min from now send @mrskutcher a "good morning, I love U" tweet. (9.20pm) `what if we crashed twitter with love That would be awsome! (9.26pm) `the countdown is on 1 hour till the love wave hits. (9.45pm) `45 min until the love wave. Lets make it a love tsunami! (10.00pm) `the anticipation is killing me. she is gonna love this. 7:45 is when she sends the girls 2 school. this will make her day 30 min to go. (10.15pm) `help me make wifeys day in 15 min drop a little love note to @mrskutcher it will be best if we have the tweet ready and just hit send (10.30pm) `...8 min just a little "good morning we love you " or "missed you while you were sleeping" will will be perfect (10.37pm) `5 min prepare your tweets for the love wave!!! (10.40pm) `I'm calling her now to make sure she is watching (10.42pm) `shes on fire! (10.44pm) `baby i love you so much i miss you (10.44pm) HOW FCUKING SWEET IS THAT?! D-A-M-N! Im always right in choosing my men. HAHAHA! That's inclusive of you Baby! ESPECIALLY YOU!!(: ![]() Damn lucky bitch Demi is!
butterflies in my tummy(:
![]() HEY PEOPLE~! I am backkkkk. So, work's fun for these pass few days. Jiahui & I just cant wait for Class to start!! ARGH! I NEED TO WEAR MY NEW CLOTHES. Its collecting dust in my closet q-_-p So anyway, Baby has been the sweetest to me this week. && he likes to surprise me in unexpected moments. DUH, it is a surprise right?O.0 Damn Sof. We didnt fail to meet each & every day of the week. Seriously. If I get to meet him today, this week is just full of him. HAHA! I know you guys think that its crazy but hey, I dont know about him but I dont really get bored. haha! HANNAH MONTANA ROCKS! hehe. I wna watch Night At The Museum2 next. lalala~ Anw, to my beloveds who are sitting for their papers next week, ALL THE BEST, KICK SOME ASS! (it ryhmes! :D ) Hanie darl, dont stress k? Call me if you need to talk. Same goes to you Baby. & Izie, its okay you cant make it. Next time we have a sleepover or something like that. HAHA(: & Kel, I just hope you wont forget your old friends now that you're surrounded with your new. I have alot to say but I forgot. I am officially a STM patient. ugh. So I'll just let the pictures do the talking(: they're right down belowwwww... belowww... below. LOVELY.
&& Im a whore when it comes to Cameras.hehe. ![]() it'll be so weird :S
![]() flap flap flappp~ secrecy. SHHHH ![]() but we still look good in it. hehe ![]() ![]() blowing a kiss of loooove..~ ![]() Im his..umm...something not as crude. HAHA. ![]() ![]() the part when Ashton took those kinda pics with Amanda Peet. ![]() We can be Darlie's models. ![]() WHATSSSSUPPP?! |