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so sleep alone tonight
She wants to be happy.
Don't judge me.
I'm touchy, so be nice.
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Im on my holidays now which is only for 3 weeks and 5 days. Now, Im only left with 3 weeks before starting my full-shift attachment, EMRS (Event Management). It'll be Ramadhan by the time it starts. & as we all know, Spore only gives us Muslims a day off skool or work for Hari Raya. So, I gotta sacrifice my Ramadhan if I want to enjoy my Hari Raya. The attachment is from 9 to 5.30pm every single day of the weekdays. There will be over-time so we can claim hours. So, my plan is to work over-time and accumulate the hours to get off days & I can go rayaaaaa! :D hehe. I hope it'll be possible/: ANYWAY, enough about school. Im gna blog about yesterday. HEHE <3 It was the 25th, which marked our 16th month together. I can believe how far we've been through really. Just amazing(: These days we dont get to spend a day out only the two of us since he needs to take care of his sis, Nal & all. Hence, Im grateful for him making it possible for our 16th(: Nal went over to their dad's btw. We didnt lock her up or anything. HAHA!xP 9.30am, Baby came over to fetch me. But as usual, I wasnt ready yet. I was indecisive mode on what to wear. Baby helped me out & watched tele while I got ready & all. Left around 10, & we're off to Cine! The saying 'HEELS KILLS' lived up till today even after so many times of wearing it. UGH. It didnt even last me half of the day on them. So wore my flipflops which I brought along. We movied-The haunting in Connecticut and ate our usual. The movie wasnt really scary but there was alot of surprising flashes of the ghosts. HAHA! I had to be the man btw q-_-p HAHAHA! Oh, & the bake rice sucked/: I think they were in a hurry to cook it. oh well, The Cathy is the best(: So after movie, we went mini shopping. I was looking for eyeliner and Juno's shades. Oh, mens arrived after the movie btw. So I grew tired easily & the mood was just bleah.. Oh well. Izie called & we planned to meet since she was with 'her cousins' at Far East. So when Baby&I were at FE, I called her & she was eating. So we walked around finding the things I wanna buy. Then made plans with her again to meet at Chippy's at the basement. Saw her, bear-hugged aaaaaaaaand, KEL CAME OUT FROM HIS HIDING PLACE & HUGGED US. HAHAHA! Chatted abit with them & planned to go Marina to watch fireworks at 7pm. So we seperated from there & Baby&I went to hunt for eyeliner & shades again. Found those in the end but only bought eyeliner. The shades were like $12.90 for a pair. Didnt want to buy since I know I wont wear it often & the service was just bad. The salesgirl was just so irritating. After I tried the shades & out it back, she like adjusted them right infront of me. LIKE WTF? Do any of you like it when ppl quickly cleans up your plates and glasses in a hurry after you finished? I mean, some times its just rude la okay? SHEESH. Bussed to Somerset after cuz there's a new outlet of Tully's & quiznos at the new Orchard Central mall. WOOHOO! Its been a while man! But really, yesterday, we were stuffing ourselves with food & drinks. GOSH, so fat now/: & thats when Marina was cancelled since Izie said there werent any firworks): oh well. After OC, we went to Peni since there was a warehse sale of soccer stuffs. Its Baby's turn to shop. HAHA! I was really drained by the walking & all, but didnt want to dissappoint Baby so I endured all the way(: He wanted soccer boots but its either too expensive or there's no more size available for him. Sighs.. So he bought Liverpool jerseys in the end. He always wanted those & Im glad he got it in the end. Sadly, he didnt get to see them live. Oh well, its okay Baby. One day, we go overseas, shop for anything & everything of ur size, meet&watch Liverpool match & watch Paramore concerts! WOOHOO~!\m/ hehe<3 Needed a drink and relax my feet and other part of my body, we settled in Spinelli. Had hot Cocoa & Baby had Cookie Spin. We chilled to the slow songs in the cafe,talked & camwhored. That was THE BEST part of the day. reallyreally(: Just a nice quiet, tranquility for a surrounding and with your other half beside you, that was what I needed. It was better than the hectic day of shopping and the fatigueness of walking around caused by mens. Had meaningful conversations with Baby. Talks about our future, about what ifs, about reality and changes which may occur..damn emotional please. Whats more, my mood swings werent helping. So many things that I wanna say, so many emotions reeling in me now..but they are just unexplainable, you noe? I am just grateful to have him with me throughout my good & bad days. A man who doesnt run away from me when Im looking at my worst & who doesnt give up even after how badly he was treated by me.. this one, this human, this God's gift for me; He must be treasured. I love you Baby.. & insyaallah, what we share now will survive throughout our lives together. & I thank God for my friends too. I love you guys(: (PS: the pics will be uploaded in fb since blogger isnt working properly.) bitch.
![]() Setting my eyes on you, watching your every move, your every gestures; I tried to reach out, realizing that you were no where near. Let me hear your voice, so subtle and pure, tell me that you're always be by my side, Don't you even budge. Save me, from something so evil, a soul knows of no regrets, myself. I always get this surge of feeling, I have always known you were the one, you can turn this thing around, all along you could. Trust has grown strong, now all I am asking, is for you to end this; for the one that you would die for, & from the one, that would sacrifice her life to be with you. Tilting my head back, your breath against my neck, this is it; the beginning of, our forever. Im done reading Twilight, like FINALLY. Now, i gta save up my money & but the next book, NEW MOON. haha! pathetic, I know. It's okay, I believe that Im not the only one who hasnt completed reading the whole saga. hmph. So the poem isnt the best. My poetry skills are rusting okay? It's been too long. && I didnt even continue writing stories yet. Ugh. I need longer holidays la please. What's 3 weeks? Worthless NYP. But at least there are holidays. & after that full-attachment. It had to be during 2 months holidays for the rest of the school && during ramadhan. Sighhs.. Tuesday will be the end of my classical. && Im gna work on Wed! Thank you, God. I'll have some income for myself. Phew. && Izie&I can finally have our BREEEEKS(: haha! massive attack yo! Okay now, I gta get back to doing my project after solating. Take care people(: [PS:Im not okay.] we need lies to make it through the day, we're not okay.
![]() Life is just so shitty now.
Projects piling, problems surfacing.. The mistakes which I made caused these to occur. I deserve them. I cant breathe without you, but I have to.. Just tell me when its over, please. changing for the better, trying.
OKAY, BLOGGER CANT UPLOAD MY IMAGES.bloody thing. Im watching WildChild now. Im missing my girlfriends. No words will be keyed in. I just hope I can make it happen. Thanks for your advice my gift-from-the-oh-mighty-Allah. I'll try my best to make you proud. PS: I WANNA BE RICH, I WANNA GO TO PARTIES, I WANNA HAVE A YACHT, I WANNA GO TO PARIS. the rockiest week of all week!
Okay okay, I havnt been updating this blog for quite long alr. HAHA. Sorry people. Its either too busy or too lazy. Hehs.Lets Start! 25th June 2009, Thursday. Baby & I celebrated our 15th on Wed. Thats only because we thought we couldnt meet on the actual Thusday. HAHA! Soooo, we went to catch a movie. TRANSFORMERSSSS!!! yessahhhhhh~! He fetched me from YCK platform & we trained to Cine. & off we went to watch it. Didnt know the movie was 2h and 15/30mins la! Right after movie, Baby had to go home. So yeah. But nonetheless, the movie freakin ROCKS! && of course, with the love & the bestest company of mine, I had a BLAST(: hehe. 15th Babyyyyy! :D 26th June 2009, Friday. SOSOSO, guess who came overrrrr??? IZYAN LIYANA BINTE MOHD RASHID! *biggest smile possibly stretched across my face* hehe.