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so sleep alone tonight
She wants to be happy.
Don't judge me.
I'm touchy, so be nice.
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From Doormat to Dreamgirl.
Why Men Loves Bicthes (GIRLS ONLY);1)The Bitch doesnt want anyone who doesnt want her. 2)Unlike the nice girl, she is not too tolerant of disrespect. 3)A Bitch gives man plenty of space so he doesnt fear being trapped in a cage. 4)If a man has to wait before he sleeps with a woman, he'll not only perceive her as more beautiful, he'll also take time to appreciate who she is. 5)Important to keep the signals very clear; - Red means no. - Green means go. - Yellow means you're a tease which will piss him off. 6)Any time a woman competes with another woman, she demeans herself. 7)If any woman can steal a guy away from the Bitch, then she can have him because the Bitch wouldn't want him anymore. 8)If he's falling in love with you, he wont tell you he wants to be with you exclusively- you'll automatically know. He will insist that you date only him because he won't want anyone else coming near his dreamgirl. 9)He'll let a woman who becomes his doormat pay for dinner on the first couple of dates, but he wouldnt think of it with his dreamgirl. 10)Nagging= A woman who is predictable= A feeling of obligation= Decreased lust. 11)He perceives an emotional woman as a pushover. 12)Dont be afraid to stand up for yourself or speak your mind. It will not only earn his respect, in some cases it will turn him on. 13)When a man is really crazy about a woman, he isnt concerned with splitting a check. If he adores her, he wont think of petty cash. What he'll think about is how he can win her over. 14)When a man falls in love, suddenly he'll go out of his way and think nothing of it. He'll do things for this woman he wouldnt have done for anyone else. I am not saying that men are always the baddies, Im just letting all of the women out there know on how to win over their men and not having to go through shits in a relationship. Sherry Argov is just the best!<3 10 reasons.
Reasons for holding on; 1) Everyone makes mistakes. 2) I know that he didn't have any intentions eventhough he should have known its wrong. 3) All these days that we've spent together are just too precious to let go. 4) He is the one person who understands me so much better than anyone ever could. 5) He never ever gave up on me. 6) Memories of the good and bad times are just too clear in my head. 7) If I do let go, I will still be emotionally attached to him. 8) Eventhough I do not seem that I am crazy for him, I actually am. 9) His features, his characteristics, his voice...it'll just hunt me in the future if he's gone. 10) I love him. ![]() Baby, we have talked things out and I hope that this is a lesson for the both of us. I dont like you doing such a thing & you dont like me acting on impulse. From there, we can improve our relationship and make it to a better one. I really hope that it will never repeat again, & of course, I'll try my best to change my approach. Mom doesnt approve of us but you know what? I dont want to let go.. I just love you, Baby. Even after how many gazillion times we have fought, the moment I got to see your face..esp yesterday..I just wanted to forget whatever that we're fighting about and just be in ur arms. Seriously, Baby. Im tired of us fighting. Im praying that everything will okay. I can't wait to see you after Ramadhan. I bet it'll be the bestest moment ever(: When I caught myself.
![]() " Because I'll never let this go, But I can't find the words to tell you. I don't want to be alone.. " -Paramore From one problem to another.. I'm really feeling the fatigueness of having to live. Why can't she just accept it? I know she's trying to protect me but I made my choice. I just can't let go. I love him. Even if it does end, I am prepared for it. Really. This incident just made me stronger. Silent treatment is really a killer. Especially when it comes from your own mother. I feel really broken and lost now. I thought it was all over but nooooooo. Sighs.. I just gotta be strong. You can do it, Sof. School's awesome. It made me dread weekends. I think I gotta find some activity to keep myself busy. Thinking of joining aerobics. ANYONE? haha! My friends make me forget everything bad that's happening, & i'm really glad. At least not everything in my life is getting from bad to worse. & thank you God for that(: I can't wait for KL trip. 28th Sept, please come quickly! I need an escape from this world that I'm living in. QUICKQUICKQUICKKKK! (PS: Blogger's being nice to me in school but not at home. UGH.)
Heart & mind blowing.
For this whole week, in the history of my 18 years of life, it is the WORST week ever. A lot has happened in just 4 days to be exact. & it starts with a picture.. Im trying to erase that permanently in my head. But I think it takes like a few months for it to officially be deleted. After that issue, it led to a family matter. No one will know how I feel right now, really. I know its cliche but it's the truth. Everything and anything that Ive ever dreamed about just crashed down on me in a spilt second. It sounds like it's a bad thing, but if one think of it the other way, it's actually a blessing. Everybody makes mistakes, I know. But it is possible for that mistake to just repeat itself without one realizing it. For example, me. I tend to do things impulsively. Yes, I admit. I shldnt have done that. But who in the right mind, will not go haywire when they see such a thing? I mean, seriously? Even if its not a big deal to you, it is to me. Honestly, internet is a devil. Or maybe, people made it into one. Allah has opened up my eyes to the real world. It's not all a bed of roses where everything will go your way, every dream you're trying to catch will come true. It's much harder than that really. My heart has been wrenching, tears had been shed continuously throughout the days and my mind is just stuck. I feel really lost, honestly. I dont know what to expect or do now. If only there's like a map showing me the way I shld lead my life to.. This is just a stepping stone for me. I should not have dreamt too much about how I want my life to be. Grab a hold of yourself, Sof. Dont think too far. Everything can change in a blink of an eye. Just take it as it is. I have to be strong. I have to be prepared mentally and emotionally. It's been long since I've been surrounded by my oh-so caring friends. I didnt know they would be so nice to me. After so many months, I've been caught up in my own relationship that I didnt really realize how much I miss them. Especially, even only a day of knowing these new dudes in EMRS, they were so concerned. Gordon & Amit, they're from year 3 who came into EMRS for only 6 weeks. On this very worst week of my entire life, they came on this Monday from nowhere, walked into the EMRS room and just existed in my life. Tuesday was when I was really broken & they are one of the many who comforted me and gave me the strength. I really thank Allah for letting them be in my life. Even if I know our friendship will only last for 6 weeks throughout EMRS, I will remember them for their kindness and for the laughter that they provided me even when I was covered in tears. haha! They're really rocking my EMRS world!<3 Btw, I would like to thank every single soul who comforted me at my worst. Really. I appreciate it, a whole freakin lot. & im tearing right now..thats how sincere and touched I am by you guys(': I love you. So, yeah. Wow, I didnt know a few days or so can really change one's life. An eye-opener, I'll admit. But my heart is still aching, & my brain is just stuck. I dont know what to think anymore. I WISH I HAVE NO HEART. so no one will have anything to break. wrong move. TOTAL fcuking wrong move.
DO NOT TALK TO ME.I DONT WANT YOU TO EXPLAIN ANYTHING. I dont know what to do anymore.. Allah, please help me..I need you, so bad..)": |